Today I turn 6 months old. Aren't I a champ?!
Here are my stats from the 6 month check up today...
Weight: 17 lbs 13 oz- 55th%
Height: 29 inches- 97th%
Head: 17 and 1/2 inches - 70%
I'm a beast!! I think I'm ready to play middle linebacker.
Mom got some action shots at today's apt. Here I am waiting for Dr. Lisa to arrive (I'm stretching out my hammies for good measure). Take note of the concerned look on my face. I'm too smart for my own good!
For those of you looking at the details, notice that Mommy only baked me half a cake since it is a half-year birthday. She is the best mom in the world!
Hi, saw your comment, you little man is such a cutie too! Which girl should we set him up with? LOL... I especially liked the photo of him with Angelina Jolie!
Happy Birthday Ben! You are growing up soooo fast! I hope I will be as good as you for my 4 months and 6 motnhs doctor appointments! You are a true role model for me! We need to set up our play date soon :)
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