This summer wouldn't be the same without my buddies. Here are some pictures of us over the past few weeks...
Playing at Pump it Up for Katelyn's 4th birthday party...

Me stealing Owen's toys (he's such a good sport about it though...)

At the park with Owen & Reed...

Me stealing Larlyn's pool toys...
Ben, Owen, and Reed hit the town while all the daddies stuff themselves with Mexican food...

Me and Owen having playtime at the library after our Babygarden class....
Me stealing Owen's toys again....
How I felt after Mommy told me I couldn't steal toys any more...
Splashing in my pool with Owen... well it only lasted for about 2 minutes (I'm getting somewhat scared of the little guy- Maybe I'm nervous he'll come after me for stealing his toys)
So instead Mommy and I watched him from afar from inside the house....

Here I am with Sam, Katelyn, Owen, Allie, and Reed. Mommy is pointing out that I'm not being very polite for the camera! (I am quite dramatic, huh?)

I don't think any of us were ready for this shot- but the flowers looked good so I had to post it....