Mommy and I have been going to pilates classes for a few weeks now. It's been determined that I am officially the 'class clown' (maybe I'm just showing off for Owen, but whatever).

Anyways, here are some pictures of me in my glory......
Me stretching out with Mommy.

Ah, see how all the babies are nicely on their back? Not me. I see the baby in the middle of the room- she's looking a little listless to me- that's not good.

I've made my way over to the baby. It's just a Dollie. That explains everything.
Me taking a break to look at myself in the mirror on my blanket.

Owen, your form looks amazing!! I'm coming for ya buddy!
Here I am rolling to Owen (checking out Dollie on my way over).

Ahhhhh. At last. Me and Owen can be together!!
I can not be tamed!!! By the end of the class I'm not even close to where I should be. Can't Mommy take a hint?!?!